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At The Earth's Core【電子書籍】[ Burroughs, Edgar Rice ]

  • 価格¥92
  • <p>"At the Earth's Core" is an adventure novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, known for his imaginative and thrilling works. The story takes readers on a journey to the Earth's core, where the protagonist, David Innes, and his companion, Abner Perry, discover a hidden prehistoric world called Pellucidar. In the novel, David Innes, a skilled explorer, and Abner Perry, a brilliant inventor, use an experimental drilling machine to burrow into the Earth's crust. To their astonishment, they find themselves in a vast subterranean world filled with strange landscapes, exotic creatures, and primitive civilizations. As they navigate this mysterious realm, they encounter savage tribes, giant creatures, and engage in thrilling adventures. The narrative explores themes of exploration, survival, and the clash between modern humans and the primal world of Pellucidar. Burroughs paints a vivid picture of a lost world teeming with unique flora and fauna, ancient civilizations, and extraordinary challenges.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

女王陛下に婿入りしたカラス(1) 角川書店

  • 価格¥792
  • メーカー

Perry Rhodan 1581: Tod im Weltraumfort Perry Rhodan-Zyklus "Die Lin...

  • 価格¥330
  • <p>Das Komplott der Friedensstifter - alle Macht den Springern Ende 1171 NGZ betr?gt die Lebenserwartung der Zellaktivatortr?ger nur noch sechs Jahrzehnte, nachdem ES die Leben erhaltenden Ger?te zur?ckgefordert hatte. Es ist klar, dass die Superintelligenz einen Irrtum begangen haben muss, denn sie gew?hrte den ZA-Tr?gern urspr?nglich 20 Jahrtausende zur Erf?llung ihrer kosmischen Aufgaben. Die Superintelligenz aufzufinden, mit den wahren Fakten zu konfrontieren und dadurch die eigene Lebensspanne zu verl?ngern ist nat?rlich allen Betroffenen ein Anliegen von vitalem Interesse. Man hat aus diesem Grund in Terrania alle Daten und Fundst?cke zusammengetragen, die zur Bestimmung des Aufenthaltsorts von ES dienen k?nnen. Die Auswertung des Materials wird von dem genialen Myles Kantor und seinem wissenschaftlichen Team vorgenommen. Noch im Dezember stellt sich der Erfolg ein: Die Kunstwelt manifestiert sich an einem Ort entlang der errechneten Bahn. Perry Rhodan und ein paar seiner Gef?hrten schaffen es nur unter Schwierigkeiten, Wanderer zu betreten. Ihr Ziel, sich mit ES auseinander zu setzen, erreichen sie nicht. Sie werden unverrichteter Dinge wieder abgeschoben. Andere hingegen sind erfolgreicher. Auf sie wartet DIE NEUE BESTIMMUNG ...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

トランプ氏に学ぶ英語表現!/暗黒通信団/茗荷さくら 地方・小出版流通セ...

  • 価格¥220
  • メーカー

【3980円以上送料無料】中1~3実技4科10分間復習ドリル サクサク基礎ト...

  • 価格¥858
  • 受験研究社 160P 15×22cm チユウイチ サン ジツギ ヨンカ ジツプンカン フクシユウ ドリル 2021 2021 チユウ1/3/ジツギ/4カ/10プンカン/フクシユウ/ドリル 2021 2021 サクサク キソトレ チユウガク/キヨウイク/ケンキユウカイ

この美術部には問題がある! 5 電撃コミックスNEXT / いみぎむる 【コミ...

  • 価格¥627
  • 出荷目安の詳細はこちら内容詳細宇佐美さんの片思いは今日もダダ漏れ——。とある中学美術部。「二次元嫁」を描くことにしか興味のない男子と、そんな男子が気になる片思い女子を中心に展開する、大ヒット文化系部活コメディ! だんだん仲間も増えてきて、いろいろ大騒ぎな第5巻です!

今日も空は晴れているか[本/雑誌] / 四月一日蓮/著

  • 価格¥660
  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1702579Shigatsu Ichi Nichi Hachisu / Cho / Kyo Mo Sora Ha Hareteiru Kaメディア:本/雑誌重量:200g発売日:2014/09JAN:9784286153308今日も空は晴れているか[本/雑誌] / 四月一日蓮/著2014/09発売

Narrative of the Life of J.D. Green, a Runaway Slave, from Kentucky...

  • 価格¥300
  • <p>This book is an autobiography of Jacob D. Green, an African-American writer and lecturer. It is a slave narrative that details his life, starting with his birth into slavery in Maryland. After escaping from his enslaver, Green went on to become an advocate for the abolition of slavery, a writer, and a lecturer. The book provides insight into the harsh realities of slavery, the struggle for freedom, and the challenges faced by African Americans in the mid-19th century.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

【3980円以上送料無料】京都西陣なごみ植物店 「紫式部の白いバラ」の...

  • 価格¥704
  • PHP文芸文庫 な6−1 PHP研究所 253P 15cm キヨウト ニシジン ナゴミ シヨクブツテン ムラサキシキブ ノ シロイ バラ ノ ナゾ ピ−エイチピ− ブンゲイ ブンコ ナ−6−1 PHP/ブンゲイ/ブンコ ナ−6−1 ナカマチ,ロクエ

厚生労働 生活と政策をつなぐ広報誌 2012-12[本/雑誌] (単行本・ムック)...

  • 価格¥628
  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1396093Kosei Rodosho Henshu Kyoryoku / Kosei Rodo Seikatsu to Seisaku Wo Tsunagu Koho Shi 2012-12メディア:本/雑誌重量:200g発売日:2012/12JAN:9784864390620厚生労働 生活と政策をつなぐ広報誌 2012-12[本/雑誌] (単行本・ムック) / 厚生労働省編集協力2012/12発売

French Riviera Tourist Guide (Guide touristique C?te d'Azur) - Illu...

  • 価格¥639
  • <p>Bilingual English/French Book (Livre bilingue anglais/fran?ais)</p> <p>French Riviera is one of the first modern resort areas. It began as a winter health resort at the end of the 18th century. With the arrival of the railway it became the playground and vacation spot of British, Russian, and other aristocrats, such as Queen Victoria and King Edward VII, when he was Prince of Wales. In the summer, it also played home to many members of the Rothschild family. In the first half of the 20th century, it was frequented by artists and writers, including Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Edith Wharton, Somerset Maugham, and Aldous Huxley, as well as wealthy Americans and Europeans. After World War II, it became a popular tourist destination and convention site. Many celebrities, such as Elton John and Brigitte Bardot, have homes in the region.<br /> The French Riviera is a major yachting and cruising area with several marinas along its coast. According to the C?te d'Azur Economic Development Agency, each year the Riviera hosts 50% of the world's superyacht fleet, with 90% of all superyachts visiting the region's coast at least once in their lifetime.<br /> As a tourist centre it benefits from 300 days of sunshine per year, 115 kilometres (71 mi) of coastline and beaches, 18 golf courses, 14 ski resorts and 3,000 restaurants.<br /> Although the Riviera is famous for the glamour of St. Tropez, Monaco or the Cannes Film Festival, there are many other less well known attractions, such as the perched villages of Eze and Gourdon, the perfumeries of Grasse and the glass blowers of Biot, the potters in Vallauris. The Riviera has been the inspiration for many well-known artists such as Picasso and many of their works are on display in local museums and art galleries.<br /> For sponsorship opportunities please contact me.</p> <p>(La C?te d'Azur est l'un des premiers station baln?aire moderne. Il a commenc? comme une station thermale d'hiver ? la fin du 18?me si?cle. Avec l'arriv?e du chemin de fer dans le milieu du 19e si?cle, il est devenu l'endroit aire de jeux et de vacances d'aristocrates britanniques, russes et autres, telles que la reine Victoria et le roi Edouard VII, quand il ?tait prince de Galles. En ?t?, il a aussi jou? ? la maison ? beaucoup de membres de la famille Rothschild. Dans la premi?re moiti? du 20e si?cle, il a ?t? fr?quent? par des artistes et des ?crivains, comme Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Edith Wharton, Somerset Maugham et Aldous Huxley, ainsi que des riches Am?ricains et Europ?ens. Apr?s la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il est devenu une destination touristique populaire et lieu du congr?s. De nombreuses c?l?brit?s, comme Elton John et Brigitte Bardot, ont des maisons dans la r?gion.<br /> La C?te d'Azur est une voile principale et une zone de croisi?re, avec plusieurs marinas le long de ses c?tes. Selon l'Agence de D?veloppement Economique de la C?te d'Azur, chaque ann?e, la C?te d'Azur accueille 50% de la flotte de superyacht du monde, avec 90% de tous les superyachts visitant la c?te au moins une fois dans leur vie.<br /> En tant que centre touristique il b?n?ficie de 300 jours de soleil par an, ? 115 kilom?tres (71 miles) de c?tes et de plages, 18 parcours de golf, 14 stations de ski et 3.000 restaurants.<br /> Bien que la C?te d'Azur est c?l?bre pour le glamour de Saint-Tropez, Monaco ou le Festival de Cannes, il y a de nombreuses autres attractions moins bien connus, tels que les villages perch?s de Eze et Gourdon, les parfumeries de Grasse et les souffleurs de verre de Biot, les potiers de Vallauris. La C?te d'Azur a ?t? l'inspiration pour de nombreux artistes bien connus tels que Picasso et beaucoup de leurs ?uvres sont expos?es dans les mus?es et galeries d'art.<br /> Pour les possibilit?s de parrainage veuillez me contacter.)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Sight Words Preschool Improving Writing & Reading Skills - Sight Wo...

  • 価格¥575
  • <p>The most basic thing for the kids while growing is to get familiar with different learning aspects including writing, reading & more, and this is exactly where flash cards sight words book comes to help with sheer comfort and ease. Sight Words letter flash cards for kindergarten feature all in one stuff to learn about different perspectives which are essential for the toddlers to grasp in the growing age.</p> <p>? Features :</p> <p>? Flash cards sight words Sentences book is a great product for the ones who want to build a new foundation to help the kids to understand the basic concepts with the help of easy to understand sentences & words.</p> <p>? letter flash cards for kindergarten feature sight flash cards which are a bright and colorful way to persuade the attention of kids and make them learning different dimensions of learning without having to become a source of exhaustion.</p> <p>? Site words flash cards kindergarten book is crafted in such a friendly fashion that it progresses steadily and gradually right according to the mental capacity & growth of the kids to attain a sense of development and understanding.</p> <p>? letters flash cards deals with all of the learning aspects including reading, writing and even recognizing by including most common and easy to understand sentences in the content.</p> <p>? kindergarten flash cards challenges the kids at a normal pace so that the kids can learn with better speed and develop their learning capabilities with a great comfort level.</p> <p>Patrick N. Peerson<br /> Funny Learn Play Team</p> <p>? This book has been updated and revised according to the standard curriculum for students by the Expert with more than ten years of experience from most of the famous and trusted institutions in the United States. We also guarantee that all contents are correct. ?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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